Discipleship Pastoral Formation

The goal of pastoral formation at Holy Trinity Seminary is for the seminarian to grow in communion with Jesus the Good Shepherd through various pastoral assignments which call him to a deeper understanding of the Church’s ministry, to begin developing the skills needed in ministry, and to grow in Christ’s own pastoral charity, so increasing his desire to eventually minister as a priest.
In pastoral priestly formation, living a virtuous life looks like a man whose heart is configured to the heart of the Good Shepherd and is zealous for the salvation of and eager to serve those to whom he is sent.

- To continue developing collaborative skills needed in ministry.
- To put the developing flexibility in various pastoral assignments.
- To prayerfully reflect on one’s ministerial experiences as one aspect of growing in communion with Jesus the Good Shepherd.
- To grow in Christ’s own pastoral charity as regards the other members of the seminary community.
Working with the Director of Pastoral Formation, seminarians take part in pastoral ministries beginning with the fall semester of their freshman year or first year of pre-theology. Seminarians engage in ministry at sites within the diocese of Dallas and receive experienced on-site supervision.
First-year seminarians’ pastoral work includes visitation with the elderly, work with poor children, soup kitchen and social outreach operated by parishes and also by diocesan institutions.
Second-year seminarians’ pastoral work includes child and youth ministry, catechesis and preparation for the sacraments of First Communion or of Confirmation, and religious education.
Third-year seminarians’ pastoral work includes an introduction to the RCIA process and participating in the teaching and sponsoring of candidates for the initiation sacraments of the Church.
Fourth-year seminarians’ pastoral work involves visitation of the sick at local hospitals.
Pre-theologian seminarians in their first year visit the poor and/or the imprisoned and in their second year participate in visitation of the sick at local hospitals.
The goal of community living at Holy Trinity Seminary is for the seminarian more and more to become a man of Christ-like communion with others, beginning here in the seminary, laying the foundation for the same in priestly ministry and in presbyteral fraternity, and extending to a desire to reach out in communion to those “on the outskirts” – all this in light of our growing more deeply in our call into Trinitarian communion.
To be a man of communion, one ought to be a man of service. One of the primary ways Christ exemplified fraternal charity is by serving his apostles. A crucial aspect of community life of the apostles with Jesus is allowing Jesus to serve them by washing their feet and in turn to learn how to serve each other and wash each other’s feet. The seminary community is the context of learning to conform to the life of Christ as the least among his brethren, who desires to serve than to be served.
In community living priestly formation, living a virtuous life looks like a man who can embrace a common life with his bishop and fellow-priests and who can build up communio within his parish.
- To grow in becoming like Christ the Servant to others in the seminary community.
- To grow in Christ’s own pastoral charity as regards the other members of the seminary community.
- To be an active and participating member of the seminary community.
Holy Trinity Seminary provides opportunities for the seminarians to become men of Christ-like communion through distribution of house jobs, and invitation to particular leadership opportunities such as the Student Council. A weekly work order allows all seminarians to participate in the stewardship of the house and service to one another.