Ways to Support the Seminary
Thank you! Whether you make a donation to the General Operating fund, make a gift to our Annual Fund Drive or sponsor the Spes Gregis Benefit, include us in your estate, join our Trinitarian Auxiliary, or keep us in your prayers, your support of Holy Trinity Seminary is sincerely appreciated and directly benefits the seminarians.

Please DOWNLOAD STOCK GIFT INSTRUCTIONS on how to make a gift of stock to the Diocese of Dallas for the benefit of Holy Trinity Seminary. Once the form is completed, with Holy Trinity Seminary checked as the beneficiary, please return the form to Mr. Kelly Halaszyn, Director of Development, Diocese of Dallas (khalaszyn@cathdal.org) and copy Sylvia Najera, Director of Advancement, Holy Trinity Seminary (snajera@holytrinityseminary.org).

Trinitarian Auxiliary
The Trinitarian Auxiliary was founded in 2005 for the purpose of providing support to Holy Trinity Seminary and its seminarians. Auxiliary members make contributions of time, talent, and treasure giving encouragement and support to the seminary’s rector, faculty, staff, and seminarians.
In addition to sponsoring the Prayer Partner program, the Trinitarian Auxiliary provides welcome baskets for the seminarians at the beginning of each school year, as well as gifts for seminarians at Christmas, Easter and graduation. Auxiliary members also host the annual Lessons & Carols and Living Stations of the Cross events.
Annual membership is $35 and covers your membership from July 1 through June 30. Current members may RENEW THEIR DUES ONLINE HERE. If you wish you to join the Auxiliary, please DOWNLOAD AND COMPLETE THIS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION and send it to Charlene Boss, Membership Chair, using the information provided on the bottom of the application.
To support the Welcome Baskets project, which raises funds to benefit the seminarians discerning their vocations at Holy Trinity Seminary, you may CLICK HERE TO MAKE AN ONLINE DONATION. Or, you may mail a check made out to “Trinitarian Auxiliary” to Holy Trinity Seminary | 3131 Vince Hagan Dr | Irving, TX 75062 and write “Welcome Baskets” in the memo line.

Grocery Purchases Benefit Seminarians
Tom Thumb’s Good Neighbor Program makes it easy for you to support Holy Trinity Seminary. For each dollar that you spend at Tom Thumb, 1% will be donated back to Holy Trinity Seminary. All you need to do is print out the Good Neighbor form found below, complete it (indicating Holy Trinity Seminary #3532 as your charity of choice), and turn it in at the customer service desk of your local Tom Thumb store. This will link your Tom Thumb Reward Card to Holy Trinity Seminary.
To Get Started:
1) Download and complete the Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Form.
2) Submit completed form to your local Tom Thumb service desk.
3) If you would like form emailed or have any questions, please e-mail snajera@holytrinityseminary.org.
4) Don’t know your Tom Thumb Reward Card number? Please contact Tom Thumb Customer Care at 1-877-723-3929.
Make an unrestricted gift to go to the seminary’s greatest need.
Click here to donate to or sponsor our
Support our formation program by making a donation to the Annual Fund Driver or by sponsoring the Benefit.
Click here for more information on
Help secure the future of the seminary and consider becoming a member of the Gorman Legacy Society.