Diocese of Laredo

Formation Stage: Discipleship

Class: Discipleship I

Diocese: Laredo

Hometown: Laredo, TX

Home Parish: Christ the King, Laredo


My father’s seven-year experience in the seminary inspired me to consider the priesthood. After joining the seminary following high school, I felt a solid connection to the solemn moments of the Mass and the ministry of the clergy. I was hesitant at first but have been reassured and significantly supported throughout. Despite the challenging path to becoming a priest, I found purpose during my propaedeutic year at Holy Trinity Seminary and plan to discern throughout formation intensely.

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse

Let us remember that love lives through sacrifice and is nourished by giving. Without sacrifice there is no love.” – St. Maximilian Kolbe

Fun Fact

I had the honor of playing a basketball game with Tim Duncan in attendance.