Diocese of Austin

Formation Stage: Discipleship

Class: Discipleship III

Diocese: Austin

Hometown: San Marcos, TX

Home Parish: Our Lady of Wisdom, San Marcos


I converted during my freshman year in college at Texas State. I realized that becoming Catholic and taking my faith seriously meant opening my will fully to what God desired in my life. So, when I entered the Church I began to discern by going on a dating fast. During my dating fast, I met Dominicans who lived a very joyful life, which opened my eyes more fully towards a celibate vocation. Through prayer, spiritual direction and signal graces, God made it evident for me to join seminary, so I became a seminarian 2 years after becoming Catholic.

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse

Carry one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2

Fun Fact

I went to state 3 consecutive years in high school for debate.